Wheel of Time Merchandise! Welcome to my page! I've tried to compile a list of all the Wheel of Time related merchandise out there. If you know of something I've missed, please share it with me. If you have any questions, comments, smart remarks, or information to contribute, please email me. Last updated January, 2013.
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The main novels
Initially I intended to only list US releases of the physical novels, but the recently released e-books have great covers, so I decided to cover those as well. International releases also frequently get new cover designs, but that's more research than I care to do. If that's what you're seeking, a quick google should fill in those gaps. Additional material here into which I won't delve deeply are audio books and retail versions of the prologues.
eBook covers
Please note that I've included New Sring in the list below but excluded it from the list above.
Other Wheel of Time literature
The Strike at Shayol Ghul - 1996. This is a short story Jordan wrote specifically for the net. It's about Lews Therin and the Hundred Companions resealing of the Dark One's bore. In the forward to the story, Jordan explains that a version of this story was to be included in the guidebook, but I think this story is unique enough in itself that it warrants its own read. You can read it here.
River of Souls - 2013. A collection of short stories by different authors is being compiled for release to help shawn Speakman, himself an author, deal with medical bills. The collection is called "Unfettered", and it can be ordered here. The Wheel of Time related story, "River of Souls", is content that was initally ddesigned to be part of A Memory of Light, but was ultimately cut. Per Brandon Sanderson's blog, he states that it will cover a complete mini-arc of a character we already know, and that it was ultimately left cut due to it introducing some new concepts that seemed out of place in the flow of the final book.
New Spring - the comic book - 2005. This is an eight-part (nine if you count the preview issue) comic book adaptation of New Spring. It was made by The Dabel Brothers, and published by Red Eagle Entertainment. There was a major legal dispute of some sort which left the series incomplete for several years. In 2010, production resumed and Dabel released a couple more issues - and then ownership and/or publishing rights switched hands, and the final issue was released by Dynamite Comics
The Wheel of Time Roleplaying Game - This isn't literature quite like the other books are, but I feel it's worth reading. There are actually four separate components associated with the WoT RPG. The first is the full rulebook for the game. It's got all sorts of information about how to build a character, how the game flow works, etc. The second is an expansion book. It's called Prophecies of the Dragon. It's got some extra game information, but the bulk of the book is a full campaign. The third is labeled a 'web-enhancement' for the game. Wizards of the Coast does not support the Wheel of Time Roleplaying Game any more, but I've backed up the Web Enhancement pdf, and it's available here. It has some extra information, and some artwork that wasn't used in the book. Lastly, is the 2001 issue of the Dragon Annual. The Dragon Annual is some sort of magazine about Dungeons and Dragons. This particular issue features even more original artwork by Darrell Sweet, showing Perrin and his wolves in particular. As far as game content goes, it's got some character templates, and some new information about the beasts of the WoT. Part of it is written by Jordan himself. A fresh character sheet can be found here. You'll need the Adobe Reader to open either of those files. Also, there's an official WoTRPG screensaver. Tripod won't let it download, so if you'd like it, shoot me an email.
Official artwork
The Dabel Brothers are supposed to be doing a series of limited edition prints from selected scenes from the main track of the Wheel of Time story. So far, they've got just this one called Mat vs. Couladin. They're pricey, and don't expect these to be released as basic posters... ever. Check this link for more information.
A guy by the name of Seamas Gallagher has done fantastic Wheel of Time fan art for a while now. It was good enough that I think he was picked by Dabel/Red Eagle/Dynamite to do some of the alternate covers for the comic books. Well he has since been given "official" status, and his character paintings are now official Wheel of Time art. They're fantastic, and you can check out the store site here. His blog, where he displays character art for just about every major character in the series, is here.. To the right are just a couple of his works. I don't want to steal his thunder. You should check him out.
Wheel of Time Wallpapers
Forsaken Wallpapers
These were made by the Dabel Brothers and released through Dragonmount for the "13 Days of Christmas" in 2005. Each one shows the Forsaken's appearance as it occurs in the story, and in the background, an image of how they appeared in the Age of Legends.
eBook wallpapers
Tor has been releasing these periodically leading up to the release of the final book. You can download them here.(scroll way down)
The Wheel of Time Card Game
There have been two attempts to make a WoT card game. The first was by Mayfair. They only got so far as releasing some promotional cards. It was designed to be an add-on for their already existing card game called Fantasy Adventures, but in the end, it never came out.
The, second, and successful attempt at a WoT card game, was done by Precedence. The initial release consisted of 300 cards, but two expansions, and some other promotional and special cards expanded it even further. More expansions were planned, but they never came.
A second edition of the card game was planned, mostly featuring cards from the original press, but some new ones as well. It was supposed to have some silkscreened dice, instead of stickered, like in the original release. The second edition never came out, but the silkscreened dice were produced. www.scificards.com donated a set to me. Thanks much!
The Wheel of Time Computer Game
The Wheel of Time MUD
This game has been around since 1993. You can play it at www.wotmud.org. It's a text-based online multiplayer RPG. If I understand correctly, when it first was written, it was not an official product, but since then, Mr. Jordan has personally given them permission and authority to act as the one and only official Wheel of Time MUD. There are others, but they lack that authenticity.
A Soundtrack for The Wheel of Time
Wheel of Time 2001 Calendar
Wheel of Time 2009 Calendar
This was released in mid 2008. It contains fan-art inspired by The Wheel of Time. Mr. Jordan selected the artwork himself shortly before he died, and some of the proceeds of the sales went to amyloidosis research at the Mayo Clinic, according to Dragonmount. You can still purchase the calendar last I checked from Amazon.com. At some point I hope to take some pics or scans of the art, but I'm too lazy to do it right now. Wheel of Time weapon replicas
As far as I know, Museum Replicas was the original distributor of all of these items, but later on I was finding other net retailers selling the Heron Mark Sword. In the collection photo, the spear on the left is NOT an Aiel spear. The photo came from Mr. Jason Denzel who operates www.dragonmount.com.
Heron Mark Sword - I believe this was the first weapon offered. It's not quite 100% accurate according to how Jordan describes it in the books, but it's fairly close. He has authorized it, after all. You can purchase this from Museum Replicas
Shienaran Sword - Bottom-most pic. (thanks to MR, the guy who found the pic for me!)
Seanchan Sword - The third weapon from the left.
Saldean Horseman's Sword - Fourth weapon from the left.
Padan Fain's Dagger - fifth from left.
Perrin's Axe - Far right.
Rand's Belt Buckle - Aviendha's design.
Asha'man pins - Not made by Museum Reps anymore, but still available through Badali Jewelry.
Aes Sedai Rings - Authentic Aes Sedai rings, except they're silver and not gold. Badali makes them now, though the mold seems different.
Wheel of Time Jewelry
Badali Jewelry makes this line of jewelry. In addition to their own designs, it seems they've also borrowed some of the jewelry molds that Museum Replicas used. These are just a few of different designs they made. Take a look at the link to see their full inventory.
Wheel of Time T-Shirts
These are produced by Ta'veren Tees. According to their site, they wrote to Mrs. McDougal (Jordan's widow) with the business idea, and she signed off on it, giving it official status. I haven't ordered mine, yet.
Wheel of Time costumes
I came across these recently while re-visiting Museum Replicas' site. I have no idea how long they've been out. So far, there's a replica of one of Rand's coats, an Asha'man coat, and an Aiel outfit. You can view/buy them here.
Wheel of Time playing cards
These are a non-clothing item produced by Ta'veren Tees. They're kind of pricey, but there's a charity angle involved, as some of the proceeds are going to the Mayo Clinic for Amyloidosis research, the disease which Jordan had. Mine are ordered and should be in the mail very soon, if they're not sitting in my mailbox as I type this.
Upcoming Merchandise
The Wheel of Time Encyclopedia - This should be an expanded version of the guide book. Nothing else is really known about it, except that it's expected to to be released in 2014. It does seem to be actively in the works though, as The Waygate Foundation, a non-profit organization, makes a reference to being able to give a sneak peek of it to contributors.Unconfirmed merchandise
One thing that I heard used to exist, but I've never personally seen myself. If you have any information about it, please let me know! email me
Aes Sedai Cloak - I picked up a clue about this on a forum or something quite some time ago.
Limbo Merchandise
These things we may or may not yet see.
A Wheel of Time film/serial/show - I think somewhere on the planet, at all times, there is some person or group who has purchsed the rights to turn The Wheel of Time into a film or tv mini-series. But as of yet, it's never been produced.
Animation - When Red Eagle had a website, they had a section of their page reserved for info about an animation adapation. There was never any information placed there, just a "coming soon" place holder.
Other prequel novels - There's a very high chance these will never see the light of day. Jordan planned to write two other prequel novels, in addition to New Spring. One was the story about Tam finding Rand on Dragonmount, and the other was a story leading up to Lan and Moiraine's first appearance in The Two Rivers. He's said there was a very good explanation for why they arrived right in the nick of time. With his passing, these stories are unlikely.
"Outrigger Novels" - Jordan had also stated that he had an idea of a side-story. Initially, it seemed that it would be concurrent with the events of the main series, but since, I've picked up gossip that it would be been set after the events of the main series. Based upon some events realized in Towers of Midnight, that doesn't sound too unreasonable. If we ever get the books remains to be seen.
More video games - rights have been purchased for more video games, but no real news of their production. Time will tell.Cancelled merchandise
Here are a few products that were going to come out, but didn't.
Wheel of Time action figures - These never really even got off the ground, but a toy company at one point had the rights to do toys, but they never exercised those rights.
Mat's Ashandarei - This was slated to be a Museum Replicas weapon, but it never got past the planning stages. Too bad too, It would have nicely rounded out the trio of hero's weapons.
Wheel of Time Plush Trolloc - These were almost ready to launch, but then canned. I confirmed this from ToyvaultSome great Wheel of Time links you should check out
Tor's official site
Dragonmount - This site is probably recognized most by Jordan
Tarvalon - Another online community, check it out
Mahasamatman's site - A very cool WoT CCG site
Well, that's about it. Thanks for visiting! My goal is to show you something Wheel of Time related about which you may not have previously known. I hope I did that.
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But there's very little there right now.